Monday, 31 October 2011

Fairy Dreamland

Close your eyes..
See all the colours brightened..
Hear the wind humming..
Feel the sun warming the air..

Close your eyes and take a deep breath..
Watch the flowers dance..
Listen to the bees singing..
Feel the cool breeze soothing the mind..

Close your eyes and free your mind..
Everything comes to life..
Every sound becomes a lullaby..
Feels like dreaming in a fairy dreamland..

-01 November 2011-

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Maybe the memory was just a dream.. or a nightmare
Maybe the glimpse of you was just a passing shadow..

Maybe the heart was just pretending.. or forgetting
Maybe the feeling was just a misled imagery of a painful hope..

Caught up in stolen time..
Tangled in motionless crushed moments..
Torn in tormented emotions..
Frozen in hollowed acceptance..

Maybe the truth was really a wish.. or a careless promise
Maybe the bond was really a badly tied dead knot..

Maybe the hope of closure is finally fading.. or vanishing
Maybe the reality of pain is finally taking over the spark of a possibility..

Choked in the bitterness of painful tears..
Held back in the shadowy corner of the past..
Numbed in the icy coffin of rejection..
Stiffened in the emptiness of a broken universe..

Maybe the past will become the current.. or the future
Maybe the pain will become a blessing in disguise

Maybe the emptiness will eventually be filled with glimmering victory
Maybe the acceptance will eventually taste sweet, even if the bond is broken beyond mending

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Batas Sebuah Keinginan

Perlahan kususuri dataran es
Hingga ujung jemariku dapat menyentuh kuntum melati putih itu
Hanya sesaat..
Hanya saat malam terasa terlalu pekat..
Lapisan es di bawah kakiku terasa begitu rentan
Namun melati itu selalu nampak sendiri
Mekar dengan indah di antara rumpun sedap malam
Hanya sesekali kukunjungi..
Hanya untuk memberi setitik rasa hangat..
Tak urung terasa lelah
Menjaga lapisan es agar tak sampai retak

Di kejauhan kutatap kumpulan karang
Sisi-sisinya telah habis terkikis air laut
Setiap saat..
Walau tak pernah sanggup kugantikan bagian yang telah hilang..
Kayuhan lenganku tak sanggup menerobos gelombang
Dan air laut begitu kuat mencampakkanku ke tepian
Meskipun kumpulan karang memanggilku ke tengah
Selalu kutatap..
Selalu kubisikkan semangat..
Tak urung terasa lelah
Memikirkan upaya agar dapat melewati arus gelombang

Kemudian kulihat matahari
Menebarkan cahayanya setiap hari
Tak berhenti..
Walau kadang tertutup awan tebal dan tersamar hujan..
Mengiringi hari-hari yang penuh perjuangan
Matahari tak pernah lelah terbit
Meskipun ia tahu selalu ada saatnya ia harus tenggelam
Terus ia curahkan sinar..
Pancaran cahaya kehidupan..
Tak pernahkah ia merasa lelah?
Setelah melihat begitu banyak kerusakan yang terjadi?

Ah.. Terlalu jauh..
Aku bukan matahari..
Aku tak punya sumber cahaya..
Aku hanyalah bagian dari semesta

Tak seringan sang bayu yang tak akan meretakkan dataran es
Tak selentur fauna air yang dapat menembus ombak lautan
Hanya punya setitik rasa dalam hati
Ingin berempati dan berbagi

Ah.. Terlalu sederhana..
Aku tak mungkin menemani kuntum melati setiap hari
Langkah kakiku tak seringan itu
Sentuhanku pun tak akan hangat lagi, bila terlalu lama menapaki dinginnya es
Tapi aku yakin, kuntum melati akan terus mekar dengan indah
Akupun tak mungkin mencoba berenang ke arah kumpulan karang
Kayuhan lenganku tak selentur itu
Tenagaku hanya akan terkuras habis, tanpa pernah bisa meraih tujuan
Sementara kumpulan karang akan tetap kokoh dalam terjangan gelombang

Ah.. Tak sempurna..
Hatiku kerap tersaput amarah
Jiwaku kerap terbelenggu lelah
Terkurung dinding kelemahan
Terhalang kabut keraguan
Berselimutkan bayang ketidakmampuan
Hanya berbekal keinginan
Tercetus dari satu ketulusan
Dalam satu angan demi kebersamaan

-12 March 2011-

Friday, 12 August 2011


Help me.. I'm out of place..
I've come from far away place
I'm different
I don't fit in

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to stand out in the strange crowd
I'm uncomfortable
I'm lonely inside

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to feel miserable
I'm willing to adapt
I just don't know how

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to quietly disappear
I want my home
I just need someone to make me feel loved and accepted..

 This wild flower suddenly appeared in the backyard, alone..

These cactus grow in the flower bed around the back terrace..

This dumb bell is hiding inside a pot, underneath a plant..

... and ...

This duster is somehow 'hiding' inside a large leave plant..

It is very interesting to see that so many things are often 'misplaced' in our life. We can feel alone, different, left out, misunderstood or even wronged, just because we don't feel belong..

The most important thing is, that we understand ourselves, we accept others and we deal with every situation we face with confidence.. believing that being different is a blessing..

by: Indri Hutapea
-12 August 2011