Friday, 12 August 2011


Help me.. I'm out of place..
I've come from far away place
I'm different
I don't fit in

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to stand out in the strange crowd
I'm uncomfortable
I'm lonely inside

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to feel miserable
I'm willing to adapt
I just don't know how

Help me.. I'm out of place..
I don't want to quietly disappear
I want my home
I just need someone to make me feel loved and accepted..

 This wild flower suddenly appeared in the backyard, alone..

These cactus grow in the flower bed around the back terrace..

This dumb bell is hiding inside a pot, underneath a plant..

... and ...

This duster is somehow 'hiding' inside a large leave plant..

It is very interesting to see that so many things are often 'misplaced' in our life. We can feel alone, different, left out, misunderstood or even wronged, just because we don't feel belong..

The most important thing is, that we understand ourselves, we accept others and we deal with every situation we face with confidence.. believing that being different is a blessing..

by: Indri Hutapea
-12 August 2011